VIRTUAL: Thriller/Horror Book Recommendations with Bookstagrammer Jody Blanchette

Wednesday, November 137:00—7:30 PMVirtual locations

Not sure what to read next? Join Jody (aka @RedReadReviews) for 30 minutes of pure book recommendations - every genre and interest! We're sure you'll find something to like from Jody's many enthusiastic reviews.

Jody is an Instagram reviewer and Book Club leader. Lover of all books! We know that Jody will travel far and wide to meet the authors she loves, reads voraciously, and talks about books as if they are her best friends. We can't wait to hear what she'll be recommending - be ready for your TBR pile to fall over! We'll send out a list of all recommendations for those who register. 

Please register

Thanks to the Ashland Public Library for sharing this program!